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Organization Profile

Qwest for Community, Inc.


Qwest for Community is a non-profit organization. Our sole qwest is to create a viral model of giving back. You ask, "What does that mean?" It means that we start with our Professional Volunteers who provide their expertise, time and resources. Through various WORKshops, seminars, webinars and events these experts are able reach out, free of charge, to the masses. In exchange for such services, advice, assistance, etc. the recipients of the help or Particpants of these various events agree to "pay it forward". An agreement is made and signed committing the Participant to volunteer hours. The commitment varies by the event they may have attended and the depth of the help they have received from our Professional Volunteers. The Participants now become the Volunteers in the name of Qwest for Community. Our model becomes viral as it spreads throughout our community.

992 S. Beach Dr.;;, Sacramento, CA, 95831


The Regional Center for Volunteerism
HandsOn Sacramento
A Program of Community Link Capital Region


HandsOn Connect

HandsOn Connect

Common Messages