Organization Profile
Junior League of Sacramento
http://www.jlsac.orgMission Statement: The Junior League of Sacramento, Inc. is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and to improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. The Junior League of Sacramento reaches out to all women age 21 and older regardless of race, color, religion, sexual orientation, handicapped status, or national origin who possess an interest in and a commitment to voluntarism. Our Purpose: Effective community service calls for leadership, advocacy, technical assistance, and grantsmanship, as well as the formation of coalitions with other volunteer organizations and community agencies. In order to accomplish this we: 1. Develop trained leaders equipped to respond creatively to society's challenges. 2. Design, administer and sometimes originate innovative programs which often become integral and lasting components of our community. 3. Assess and build public awareness of critical community needs. 4. Contribute valuable and significant volunteer hours toward the improvement of the community. 5. Raise money by means of annual fundraisers and return those monies to the community through funded projects and trained volunteers. Our Vision: Enhancing the well-being and future of Sacramento's children through the dedicated action of volunteers.
Give. Advocate. Be our Volunteer!