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Organization Profile

The mission of KidsFirst (formerly CAPC) is to end child abuse. Our vision – that all children live in a safe, healthy and nurturing home – drives all. Established in 1989 as the Child Abuse Prevention Center (CAPC) and headquartered in Roseville, we provide services to citizens across the Sacramento region. Our Guiding Principles: 1. INVEST IN KIDS & FAMILIES Provide core prevention activities based on community needs and service gaps, and organizational capability. 2. VALUE DIVERSITY Strengthen families with access to culturally competent, evidence-based practice. 3. BUILD ALLIANCES Collaborate with partners that value and utilize best practice standards to ensure a comprehensive continuum of support. 4. PROMOTE A POSITIVE PROFESSIONAL WORK CULTURE Maintain an organizational culture that attracts and retains a diverse, exceptional, and motivated workforce. 5. LEAD THE FIELD OF FAMILY SUPPORT Encourage and support proactive strategies and technologies informed by current research, emerging trends, and evaluation. 6. INSPIRE AND ENGAGE Communicate the value and benefit of prevention to cultivate community commitment and financial support.

Children & Youth Education
7311 Galilee Road, Ste. 105;;, Roseville, CA, 95678


The Regional Center for Volunteerism
HandsOn Sacramento
A Program of Community Link Capital Region


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