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Click here to find COVID-19 related Volunteer Opportunities

Current Sacramento County Public Health Orders (updated October 2020)

Sacramento County Public Health Officer, Dr. Olivia Kasirye


Sac County COVID-19 Information | Resources 

Sac County Public Order


Guidelines for Schools:

Schools, Child Care/Day Camps, Colleges

COVID-19 Protocols for Schools

COVID-19 Testing for School Staff

COVID-19 Testing for Schools

Clarification on Cohorts for Schools and School Districts


Guidelines for Houses of Worship:

Houses of Worship

Sac County Environmental Management Guidance

California State Guidance for Re-opening


Schools, Child Care/Day Camps, Colleges


California State Guidance for Gatherings

Dear Volunteers -

These are unprecedented times and even though communities are being asked to shelter in place at home, there are still many needs to be met to serve those who are food insecure, elderly, disabled and/or going through very hard times. Some of these needs can be met by agencies and the volunteers who serve them.Please know, that if you are supporting any of the COVID-19 volunteer response efforts, you are a volunteer who is supporting an essential service (non-profit/business). This means that is you are well and not of a high-risk category, you may continue to perform and provide services to those who are in need. Thank you for caring!

Please be sure to register here at HandsOn Sacramento first before volunteering.While we appreciate you for sharing our volunteer opportunities on social media, our partner volunteer agencies would like to know who their volunteers are and when they are coming. If you know someone who can volunteer, please share a link for them to register on our website first before they sign up for their chosen volunteer opportunity.

We will provide updates as the situation on COVID-19 evolves. We will also do our best efforts in preventing the spread of disease by doing the following. Please continue to check back here for additional opportunities and the situation is always changing.

  • We are deferring judgment for all volunteer needs and projects listed on our website to our Agency Partners and their ability to stay open and support the community and their volunteers

  • We will continue to support projects led by our Agency Partners that rely on volunteers during this time. We are opening the conversation to our Agency Partners and highlighting their urgent needs in response to COVID-19 on our calendar and on our social media outlets

  • Coordinate with Points of Light Global Network and Goodwill Industries of Sacramento Valley and Northern Nevada on additional resources, including planning and implementation of necessary actions for our staff and the community we support

  • Postpone scheduled Project Birthday parties until further notice. However, scheduled Party Sponsors are still able to help with the scheduled parties through our Birthday in a Box Program. Party Sponsors, Party Leaders, and Agency Partners for this month have been notified.

  • Reinforce a strict policy and implementation on preventive health measures in our offices to minimize the spread of any disease such as washing hands frequently, implement social distancing, staying at home if sick and mandatory quarantine in the event of possible COVID-19 exposure. Please stay safe and healthy as thecontinuing health and safety of our community is our top priority.

We recognize and value community-based volunteer response through mobilization and providing both organizations and the community they serve as long as they are advised and guided properly in helping to minimize the spread of any illness. Our Agency Partners continue to serve their community during this pandemic.

For Organizations

We are aware that most volunteer programs and opportunities in our area are changing. Whether these opportunities to help are suspended or changed, expect the circumstances to change in the coming days and weeks. It is best to think of ways of how people will be able to help you in the coming weeks and months. We will do our best to contact you about how we can put your needs to potential volunteers and donors.

If you know an organization who wish to find volunteers in response to COVID-19, please contact Holly Brown hbrown@communitylinkcr.org

Before Volunteering

If you are interested in volunteering and taking part in the volunteer opportunities listed on our website, we ask that you observe the guidelines and precautions as recommended by our Partner Agencies. It is also important to remind you of the following guidelines:

  • Please make sure that you are well enough to volunteer. Do not volunteer if you are sick or do not feel well.

  • Do not volunteer if you have close contact with a sick person.

  • Do not volunteer if you have traveled abroad or to any impacted area in the United States.

  • Do not volunteer if you are at a higher risk for serious illness.

  • Avoid shaking hands and other physical contacts with anyone if you are attending a volunteer project.

  • Please notify the staff and leave the volunteer project immediately if you show any signs of illness.

Should you continue to volunteer and well enough to do so, we recommend to go to our website, www.handsonsacto.organd register as a volunteer. Our Partner Agencies have listed COVID-19 related volunteer opportunities in our calendar. These organizations are reliant on volunteers to deliver services and needs to the communities they serve. We will continue to highlight and promote these volunteer opportunities on our website and social media.

Other Ways to Help

Think and act locally! Being a good neighbor is another way to volunteer in your community. There are many ways to help informally such as checking on your neighbors, especially anyone who may live alone, anyone elderly or potentially vulnerable. Contact them safely (example, through a phone call, online messaging or drop a note into their door) to let them know that you are available and can assist with their basic needs. Have the initiative to get in touch and offer help as some people may be very anxious about making face-to-face contact, especially if they have an underlying medical condition and self-isolating or if they live alone.

Here are some practical ways to help your community:

  • Do basic grocery shopping
  • Take their trash out on scheduled trash day
  • Offer to walk their pets if they have one.

Offering to connect to a neighbor or to someone who needs help and company is a phone call, an online message or a note away to prevent the feeling of isolation and loneliness. These little acts of kindness can go a long way and have a long-lasting impact in a positive way. Reaching out can make a difference. It shows that someone cares for them.

Should the situation change, HandsOn Sacramento will respond accordingly and communicate any changes to our Partner Agencies and volunteers. We recommend that our partners and volunteers follow the health guidelines mandated by the California Department of Public Health such as:

  • Stay home when you are sick, except to get medical care.

  • Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue or sleeveand then throw the tissue in your trash.

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom, before eating and after blowing your nose, coughing and sneezing.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

  • Clean frequently touched surfaces and objects regularly.

  • It is not currently recommended that people who are in good health should wear a facemask to protect themselves from respiratory diseases, including COVID-19. Only wear a facemask if you have a respiratory health problem to help prevent the spread of the illness.

Additional Resources

Lastly, please see the resources below to stay informed:

World Health Organization's rolling updates on coronavirus disease for COVID-19

CDC: Center for Disease Control

California Department of Public Health

Sac County Public Health

CDC Resources for Households

Live numbers of global infections

A Guide: How To Prepare Your Home For Coronavirus

COVID-19 and CDC fact sheets

COVID-19 Resources for Your Mind


The Regional Center for Volunteerism
HandsOn Sacramento
A Program of Community Link Capital Region


HandsOn Connect

HandsOn Connect