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Executive Team
Lynn Pesely, Past President/Chair
Sacramento Medical Reserve Corps
Mary Lynn Perry, President/Chair
DOVIA of Sacramento
Patrick McGinn, Vice Chair
The Salvation Army |
John McCormick, Secretary
Mercy Peddlers |
Laurie Johnson
CA Southern Baptist
Convention Disaster Relief |
Holly Brown, SacRegion VOAD Coordinator
The Regional Center for Volunteerism -
HandsOn Sacramento
Kenn Altine
Sacramento SPCA |
Bruce Anderson
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Faith-Based Org Committee Chair
Patricia Davis
American Red Cross |
Susan Taylor, RN
Faith-Based Org Committee Chair |
Gabriel Kendall
2-1-1 Sacramento |
Sandra Yahya
Sacramento Food Bank
& Family Services
Jason D'Allesio, Ex-Officio
Sacramento County Office of
Emergency Services
The Regional Center for Volunteerism
HandsOn Sacramento
A Program of Community Link Capital Region
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Common Messages
Goodwill Industries of Sacramento Valley & Northern Nevada
Kaiser Permanente
Blue Shield of California
Sacramento County Office of Emergency Services
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