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2-1-1 Sacramento Disaster Volunteers



During a disaster, 2-1-1 works with the County of Sacramento’s Office of Emergency Services to provide public information to the community, rumor control and trend analysis to County officials, report community needs that are not being met, and acts as the central communications point for other community agencies and non-governmental organizations.

Whether it be a flood, fire, an extended heat wave or other types of disaster, 2-1-1 Sacramento works in partnership with the Volunteer Organizations Active in Disasters (VOAD), the American Red Cross and other agencies and organizations to provide up-to-date information on available resources to citizens in need area.

You may  send an email for more information.


Staff Deployment and Other Occurrences



2-1-1 has provided assistance in several disaster situations. In the aftermath of the Tsunami in Japan, 2-1-1 Sacramento stood ready to take overflow calls from San Francisco and Humboldt Call Centers affected by tides and evacuations.

When Hurricane Katrina devastated the Gulf Coast, 2-1-1 Sacramento sent staff to assist the local 2-1-1 call center in the time of crisis. The rest of the Sacramento call center also played a role with Katrina victims. Displaced families that came to the Sacramento region were aided by 2-1-1, Red Cross, United Way, FEMA, and other agencies in the effort to get them proper accommodations while they were in need. A center was set up where families could go to apply for financial aid, goods, services, and receive additional information that directly affected them.

When wildfires ravaged Southern California, 2-1-1 Sacramento staff and trained volunteers were “activated” as a backup call center to offset a number of calls being received by the 2-1-1 call centers involved in the fire.

During the H1N1 epidemic, 2-1-1 handled nearly 2,000 calls related to the virus. They helped get concerned citizens to vaccination clinics, set up appointments, and relay information in regards to the strain.

If you would like to receive training on how you might serve in the Sacramento 2-1-1 Call Center during disasters or emergencies, please call us at our following numbers:

Direct Toll-Free number: (800) 500-4931

Direct Local number: (916) 498-1000

or send an email for more information.


Gabriel Kendall
8001 Folsom Blvd., Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 9582

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A Program of Community Link Capital Region


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